Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Rain rain rain let it rain

“See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, 
and only enough blood to run one at a time.”
 – Robin Williams

“Men and women are different in the morning. 
We men wake up aroused in the morning. We can’t help it. 
We just wake up and we want you. 
And women think, 
‘How can he want me the way I look in the morning?’ 
It’s because we can’t see you. 
We have no blood anywhere near our optic nerve.” 
– Andy Rooney

Hilarious readings somewhere...
and it reminds me of a discussion I once had with my dear wifey, hahaha There you go, you got the answer love! 


A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions.

Marcus Aurelius

So apparently, it's not only raining hard in Vancouver...I read on the news Montreal got into some flods troubles...and some pretty sick geyser coming up in the middle of downtown...Wolf street was originally where my parents reserved a condo spot!! 


So it is gray pretty much everyday in Vancouver...I usually like to wear my contact lenses during the day to be able to protect my eyes from the sun with my Ray-bans...but up to now, i've got only a weekend of sunshine! 

Seriously, the summer here lasts 1 month maximum...and it is right on the time now...even then, it's pretty cold...I went to take a dip at the beach because we were playing Frisbee under the sun for a while so I got courageous enough, but yikes it was brutal!!!! How do people do to live 11months under the rain and cloudy grey days and get out only for a month to enjoy outdoors activities such as hiking, biking around the park or picnics? 

There are many beaches easy of access by the city, so it's so cool to do the beach bums, bringing your own alcohol ( discretion please, many lifeguards and policemen walking along to check the ppl and give tickets! ), beach blanket, and there you go...sunset after work during magical! 

*** ma date presque parfaite
love it spontaneous, love it gentleman & caring, love it generous & fun! 

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